

  • BTL activations induce a list of activities that uses innovative ideas to engage its audiences. In the earlier times, BTL marketing activities revolve around direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, brand promotion activities, telemarketing, free sampling & exhibitions.
  • But, in this digital era, BTL activities have taken a notch higher with out of the box ideas and approaches to reach the target market with digitalized brand promotion activities and search engine marketing. Instagram Hashtag Printers and Social or Tweet Cafe are being used extensively as a part of BTL marketing strategy to engage a larger audience base around the globe.
  • BTL marketing activities allow brands to connect with their customers on an emotional level. It allows customers and brands to know each other in a more refined way while giving exposure and loyal customers to a brand.

Benefits of using BTL Activations:

  1. Below the line activities creates a direct point of contact between customers and brands, helping them to understand each other in a better way.
  2. BTL activities create brand awareness while attracting more customers, resulting in more sales leads.
  3. Below the line activations help in reaching your target audience with much ease as compared to traditional ways of marketing.
  4. BTL activities give an advantage to your brand by marking its presence. It makes your brand stand out while saving it from getting lost in the clutter.
  5. Below the line activations help in building a positive image of a brand with instant results.
  6. BTL activities make the brand memorable and remarkable. It creates an impact on the audience with its dynamic strategies.
  7. BTL marketing activities allow audiences to get the insight of a product. It allows the audience to feel the product if sampling is taken as one of the measures in BTL activations.
  8. BTL activities help in getting valuable feedback from the customer which helps in improving the product or service.
  • Experiential marketing solutions are a top priority for digital marketers to gain the attention of the masses and create two-way communication. BTL activation boosts the marketing game for any brand as it has many benefits associated with it. You must be thinking about how BTL activities can give a boost to your brand? Let’s discuss some of the benefits of BTL activations and experiential technology that will speed up your marketing game and make you the known name while leaving your competition behind.
  • As time has changed so does BTL marketing activities. Traditional ways of BTL marketing are followed by every other brand, resulting in no gain no loss situation. As the scenario is moving more towards digitalization, new experiential technology ideas for brand & event promotion has come into existence.
  • Innovative and out of the box social media strategies are needed in the current scenario, to create a buzz around social media. Let’s have a look at some new ideas in BTL activations which will boost your marketing game.