Pie Fillings retail Store marketing operation | Pie Fillings Dealerships

Sales channels to reach your customers

Selling through retailers, wholesalers and other distributors
Selling through an intermediary may be a more cost-effective way of reaching your end-customers than selling to them directly.

If you are targeting business customers who prefer to deal with large suppliers, selling directly to them may not be a realistic option. Instead, you might aim to supply wholesalers who have existing relationships with those businesses.

If individual consumers buy low value quantities of your products, the best option might be to target retailers that sell similar products. Or you might choose to focus your efforts on a relatively small number of wholesalers who can in turn supply your products to many retailers.

Other distribution channels may also reach your end-customers. For example, technology suppliers often sell to resellers who can configure and install the technology to suit end-users’ particular needs.

Managing your distributors
You need distributors who will value your product. If they sell competing products, what will make them push yours?

Pie Fillings retail Store marketing operation

Think about how you set your prices. Distributors will be more enthusiastic if they can make a large profit – but setting too low a price will eat into your own margins.

Effective advertising and promotions can be vital. As well as marketing to the distributor, you can promote your products directly to end-customers. Distributors will be keener to stock and sell products that their customers are asking for.

The key terms of the supply relationship should be covered in a written contract. Key issues might include:

Pie Fillings retail Store marketing operation

how much stock the distributor will hold
what the distributor will do to promote your products
how quickly you can resupply and minimum order levels
whether the distributor has exclusive rights to your product (for example, in a particular territory)
what happens if either you or the distributor want to end the relationship


Business ideas, Marketing and sales , promotions and advertising ideas , articles 


Telecommunications Franchises

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Pie Fillings retail Store marketing operation,

Pie Fillings, guava juices, chocolate, Cucumber Soap,

Decorative LED Bulb, Vases, Flask & Casserole, Glucose & Marie

Biscuits, Snacks & Chocolates

Biscuits & Chocolates Offers,

Biscuits & Chocolates Offers, Biscuits & Cookies, Cookies & Cakes, Healthy & Digestive, Cream Biscuits & Wafers, Sweet & Salty, Glucose & Marie, Namkeen & Snacks, Bhujia & Sev Namkeen & Mixtures , Papad & Fryums, Chips & Crisps, Potato Chips, Crisps & Puffs, Tortillas & Nachos, Other Chips, Chocolates & Candies, Chocolate Gift Packs, Chocolates,
Candies & Chewing Gums, Sweets, Instant Mixes, Sweets, , , , ,,  , , , , , , , ,  , , , , , , ,
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