Event and Exhibitions

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Don’t just sell, learn too

Some businesses see trade fairs and exhibitions as solely about the promotion and selling of their products and services.But there are also great opportunities to learn at exhibitions, and savvy businesses make the most of this too.Exhibitions are a great opportunity to check out the competition – who else is doing what you’re doing?Are they doing it as well? Could you do it any better? Many exhibitions also offer relevant seminars.If there are topics that could inform your business, go along and see what you can learn.Don’t forget the general people watching too. Just being present at an industry trade show is a great way of informally taking the pulse of the market, especially if you attend regularly and can compare year-on-year.

Flexibility postures

With all the technology and data that we have available at our finger tips these days, it can be tempting to never feel the need to leave your desk.Market research, advertising, taking and placing orders – it can all be done electronically.However, building face-to-face relationships is still an important part of business, and exhibitions provide an ideal opportunity to do thisPeople still like to meet people that they do business with, build up trust and develop relationships.Events and exhibitions create the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself, your company and your business ideas to people you may never have thought of reaching out to before.

achieving your goals

Trade fairs and exhibitions are a big investment for the organisation that is staging the event.As a result, it will have a slew of marketing, advertising and promotion that accompanies it, saving you the hard work (and cost!) of contacting all those potential customers yourself.The targeted nature of niche trade show and exhibition audiences is one reason that it still often reaps greater results than any other form of marketing.