bailley mineral water selling Plan | bailley mineral water Distributorships

Sales channels to reach your customers

Selling through retailers, wholesalers and other distributors
Selling through an intermediary may be a more cost-effective way of reaching your end-customers than selling to them directly.

If you are targeting business customers who prefer to deal with large suppliers, selling directly to them may not be a realistic option. Instead, you might aim to supply wholesalers who have existing relationships with those businesses.

If individual consumers buy low value quantities of your products, the best option might be to target retailers that sell similar products. Or you might choose to focus your efforts on a relatively small number of wholesalers who can in turn supply your products to many retailers.

Other distribution channels may also reach your end-customers. For example, technology suppliers often sell to resellers who can configure and install the technology to suit end-users’ particular needs.

Managing your distributors
You need distributors who will value your product. If they sell competing products, what will make them push yours?

bailley mineral water selling Plan

Think about how you set your prices. Distributors will be more enthusiastic if they can make a large profit – but setting too low a price will eat into your own margins.

Effective advertising and promotions can be vital. As well as marketing to the distributor, you can promote your products directly to end-customers. Distributors will be keener to stock and sell products that their customers are asking for.

The key terms of the supply relationship should be covered in a written contract. Key issues might include:

bailley mineral water selling Plan

how much stock the distributor will hold
what the distributor will do to promote your products
how quickly you can resupply and minimum order levels
whether the distributor has exclusive rights to your product (for example, in a particular territory)
what happens if either you or the distributor want to end the relationship


Business ideas, Marketing and sales , promotions and advertising ideas , articles 


Data Mining for Marketers

In the last few years there had been lot of importance given to satisfying customers, satisfying their changing needs and coming up with new products and services to satisfy those needs. But considering the diverse nature of customers, it becomes mandatory for marketers to have tools to segment the customers into homogeneous groups. Data Mining tools tremendously help the marketers to get all the above mentioned.Data mining derives its name from the similarities between searching for valuable business information in a large database — for example, finding linked products in gigabytes of store scanner data — and mining a mountain for a vein of valuable ore. Both processes require either sifting through an immense amount of material, or intelligently probing it to find exactly where the value resides. Given databases of sufficient size and quality, data mining technology can generate new business opportunities by providing these capabilities:1. Automated prediction of trends and behaviors2. Automated discovery of previously unknown patternsTECHNIQUES IN DATA MININGArtificial neural networksDecision treesGenetic algorithmsNearest neighbor methodRule inductionHOW DATA MONING WORKSHow exactly is data mining able to tell you important things that you didn’t know or what is going to happen next? The technique that is used to perform these feats in data mining is called modeling. Modeling is simply the act of building a model in one situation where you know the answer and then applying it to another situation that you don’t. This act of model building is thus something that people have been doing for a long time, certainly before the advent of computers or data mining technology. What happens on computers, however, is not much different than the way people build models. Computers are loaded up with lots of information about a variety of situations where an answer is known and then the data mining software on the computer must run through that data and distill the characteristics of the data that should go into the model. Once the model is built it can then be used in similar situations where you don’t know the answer. For example, say that you are the director of marketing for a telecommunications company and you’d like to acquire some new long distance phone customers. You could just randomly go out and mail coupons to the general population. In this case would you achieve the results you desired and of course you have the opportunity to do much better than random – you could use your business experience stored in your database to build a model.DATA MINING and CRMIt is now a cliché that in the days of the corner market, shopkeepers had no trouble understanding their customers and responding quickly to their needs. The shopkeepers would simply keep track of all of their customers in their heads, and would know what to do when a customer walked into the store. But today’s shopkeepers face a much more complex situation. More customers, more products, more competitors, and less time to react means that understanding your customers is now much harder to do. A number of forces are working together to increase the complexity of customer relationships:Compressed marketing cycle times. The attention span of a customer has decreased dramatically and loyalty is a thing of the past. A successful company needs to reinforce the value it provides to its customers on a continuous basis. In addition, the time between a new desire and when you must meet that desire is also shrinking. If you don’t react quickly enough, the customer will find someone who will. Increased marketing costs. Everything costs more. Printing, postage, special offers (and if you don’t provide the special offer, your competitors will). Streams of new product offerings. Customers want things that meet their exact needs, not things that sort-of fit. This means that the number of products and the number of ways they are offered have risen significantly. Niche competitors. Your best customers also look good to your competitors. They will focus on small, profitable segments of your market and try to keep the best for themselves. Successful companies need to react to each and every one of these demands in a timely fashion. The market will not wait for your response, and customers that you have today could vanish tomorrow. Interacting with your customers is also not as simple as it has been in the past. Customers and prospective customers want to interact on their terms, meaning that you need to look at multiple criteria when evaluating how to proceed. You will need to automate:The Right OfferTo the Right PersonAt the Right TimeThrough the Right Channel Customer relationship management (CRM) is a process that manages the interactions between a company and its customers. The primary users of CRM software applications are database marketers who are looking to automate the process of interacting with customers. Data and Marketers go hand in hand !!


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